Do you have enough auto liability coverage?


Personal and commercial auto insurance is VERY important for everyday life. You never know when an accident can happen. Many people ask, "Do I have enough coverage?" or maybe they think, "I have too much auto coverage." Most consumers don't grasp what auto liability coverage is all about, so let us break it down for you. Auto liability covers you for two major items, Bodily Injury and Property Damage.

#1 Bodily Injury: As the result of an automobile accident, you injure someone else. Or you injure multiple parties. Or you cause permanent damage. Maybe there was a fatality as a result of this accident. All of these scenarios CAN happen, and they are scary to think about. These accident scenarios can become reality, and then your insurance is to pay the driver, and injured parties whatever the court assesses they be paid. And if your insurance coverage is just $25,000 liability, that money is going to run out rather quickly.

#2 Property Damage: This is coverage that covers any damages caused to property during the accident. It is pretty straightforward. This can cover any cars involved, but can also cover structures, buildings, or any other "property damages." Once again, if you only have a small amount of coverage, that money will run out fast.

Increasing auto liability can increase the premiums by just few dollars. And those few dollars can really go a long way.

Give us a call today to see if you have enough coverage and what it may cost you to increase your coverage, and save you money in the long run. 

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