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a person changing a filter in hvac splitIn our modern homes, various appliances play crucial roles in enhancing comfort, convenience, and cleanliness. Many of these appliances rely on filters to maintain optimal performance and efficiency. Filters help remove impurities, contaminants, and debris from air, water, and other substances, ensuring that our appliances function effectively and our living spaces remain healthy and comfortable.
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A car on the side of the road with the hood openIf the hood of your car unexpectedly pops open while you're driving, it can be a dangerous situation and should be handled with caution. Here's what may happen and what you should do:
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A woman working out outside in the coldThose in colder climates don't have to hibernate in the gym all winter to break a sweat. Instead, with the right gear and know-how, you can take your workouts outdoors for the ultimate mind-clearing energy boost. Here are some tips for braving – and actually enjoying – outdoor exercise in the snowy season.
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Cute child with sunscreenLet's face it... the days of soaking up the sun for that "healthy tan" are clearly over. Fears of skin cancer – namely melanoma – have overridden most peoples' desire for sun-kissed skin. But in the summer, when outdoor adventures like hiking, biking, and water sports beckon, many tend to spend a lot of time in the sun doing what they love.
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People HikingFor nature lovers, many of the most memorable moments take place in the great outdoors, whether it's catching your first trout on a fly rod or summiting a peak. This is also where people often find the most solace, as time in nature can bring a sense of peace. Unless, of course, things go wrong.
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A very Tired DriverLittle in life is as important as healthful, restful sleep, and lots of it. But little in life seems to evade American adults as pervasively. Insufficient sleep, health, lifestyle impacts nearly two-thirds of Americans. And, according to a recent study by the CDC, one in three adults doesn't get enough sleep on a regular basis.
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Summertime Safety: Keeping kids safe around waterFor many, summer ushers in sunny afternoons spent lounging by pools, floating lazy rivers, and taking the boat out for waterskiing, fishing, and all things wet and wonderful in New York. And, whether by a backyard kiddie pool or a local pond, children are particularly enamored, making water safety a foremost concern for parents.
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First Aid Kit Planning 101It's one of those things that's overlooked until it's absolutely necessary: a first aid kit. Whether you're relaxing at home, navigating five-o-clock traffic, or summer adventuring in your new RV, having a simple first aid kit can mean the difference between an inconvenience and an emergency.
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Avoiding Remodeling MishapsSummer's generally agreeable weather and extended daylight hours in New York make it an ideal season to tackle renovations, remodels, and other household fix-its. Still, these projects aren't without inherent challenges and risks. A little due diligence at the onset can do much to minimize unhappy surprises and make for successful, stress-free (or, at least, as close as it gets) renovations.
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RV Ready: Spring maintenance for summer funAs winter thaws into spring blossoms, summer beckons with backyard cookouts and campfires under the stars. Like many people in New York, spring also means an overhaul of all the recreational toys and gear that make those summertime adventures comfortable, including the family camper. Here are some considerations when readying your RV for all the camping and travel expeditions ahead.
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Spring Tune-Ups for Summer AdventuringWhile the bluster and bite of winter may still reign over much of the country, spring melts and the months of outdoor recreation they usher forth are just around the corner. Now is the time to survey summer gear and prepare for the active months ahead. Boating, camping, and cycling gear can all benefit from a seasonal tune-up. Here are some recommendations for fun summer adventuring.
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Telehealth: Is it here to stay? The pandemic changed many things for many Americans, from how we work to how we socialize. One potentially positive shift is that it accelerated the already growing field of telehealth. Suddenly it became easier and made more sense to see your doctor online for basic ailments and routine check-ins. But is telehealth all it's cracked up to be? Here are some common questions you may have about telehealth:
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The Most Common Holiday-Related Insurance ClaimsThe holiday season is upon us, meaning it's time to be jolly, gather with friends and family, and, hopefully, stay safe. But in addition to the things we're all wishing for, the holidays can bring some unwanted gifts in the form of accidents, damages, or injuries that might result in an insurance claim. So what are the most common holiday-related insurance claims and how can you avoid them? Read on to find out.
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Creating Your Own Emergency Supply KitAs youngsters, the more serious-minded among us were vigilant about making the Scout motto "Be Prepared" a reality. Now with the latest round of fires, earthquakes and hurricanes, the old adage is more relevant than ever. Even in New York, we all have the potential to encounter the occasional unpredicted mishap. But few events can be as unpredictable, or devastating, as natural disasters: hurricanes, floods, wildfires, tsunamis, severe storms, tornadoes, and landslides, many of which we've been faced with lately.
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Recreational Vehicle SafetyRecreational Vehicle (RV) sales soared during the pandemic, as stir-crazy families across the U.S. realized that road trips might be the safest and only way to get out of the house. And according to recent consumer reports, the trend shows no signs of slowing.
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Safety Tips: Buying and Selling OnlineThis year, many of us got a much more up close and personal relationship with our families, our houses, and our things. And many of us realized: we have way too much of all three. While you can't get rid of your 6-year-old or your spouse, there are plenty of places you can go to unload excess stuff.
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All About WarrantiesIn many cases, a warranty can seem like a sneaky way for manufacturers to squeeze a few extra bucks out of their customers. In some cases, purchasing a warranty might actually be a good idea. Whether you're thinking about signing up for a warranty on a major purchase, or deciding whether to pay a few extra bucks for a warranty on a small appliance while standing in line at Target, here's what you need to know in order to make the best decision.
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Homeowner Safety: Before You Dig..."Call before you dig" is a refrain you may have already heard from Public Service Announcements on the radio or TV. But many homeowners still ignore this basic advice, sometimes with deadly results. If you're planning to dig anywhere on your property, here's what you need to know--and do--to get the job done safely.
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Live to Ride: Motorcycle Insurance and SafetyAlthough motorcycle enthusiasts in certain areas of the country are able to ride year round, spring and summer is when most bike owners are finally able to get out there on the open road. Before you take that first ride, make sure that your bike is up to the task and ready to go. Motorcycle maintenance and safety go hand-in-hand, and keeping your bike in great shape will ensure a great ride.
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Teen DriverMany parents rightly experience a strong anxiety when turning over the car keys to their new teen driver. There are a several things a parent can do to make sure that the teenage driving experience is a safe one. First, teenagers need to understand that driving is a privilege, not a right. With privileges come certain responsibilities. It is best to make those responsibilities and the consequences for not meeting them as clear as possible. One way to do that is with an actual contract between parents and teenagers built around the concept of graduated licensing and restrictions for high risk situations.
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Spring is here, and summer is close behind. Time to start daydreaming about driving off into the sunset...
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Kids and Concussion-Prone SportsWe all know the benefits of participating in youth sports: they provide exercise, enjoyment, and a sense of belonging, while teaching valuable lessons about teamwork, disappointment and persistence, among other things. Nowadays, however, it's hard to ignore the research on concussions in youth sports, and the fact that participating can have potentially serious, long-term consequences. Here's what you need to know to make an informed decision.
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athleteWinter sports are all about making the most of the frigid temperatures. But because conditions can be so unpredictable, there are also some serious safety concerns that go along with being active outdoors this time of year. Here's how to stay safe and get the most out of your favorite winter sports from skiing and snowboarding to ice skating, hockey, sledding and snowshoeing.
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Preventing Falls Inside and Outside of the HomeAccording to the World Health Organization, falls are the second leading cause of accidental injury deaths worldwide. Falling disproportionately impacts adults age 65 and older, and can lead to serious injury, further health problems, decreased quality of life, and a loss of independence.
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Kathleen Hansen -

When it's time to store your boat for the winter, sit down with a member of the marina's staff and discuss what you can expect to have done. Most marinas are prepared to service your boat efficiently, but you are responsible for seeing that all work is done. Ask that they call you when the winterizing is complete.
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Smart home technology is quickly becoming commonplace in New York, and also affordable to the average consumer. The increased quality and availability of high-tech security devices means that anyone can safeguard their property and belongings. If you're looking to protect your home, family and property, here's an overview of some smart home security tools that might work for you:
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Kathleen Hansen -

Dear Valued Client:

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Sad personEvery single day, sexual violence impacts hundreds of Americans. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and whether you are male or female, there are things you can do to protect yourself or your loved ones from sexual violence. Here's what you need to know:
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They may be your own, or they're your grandkids or your friend' kids, but driving with kids is a task that should always be taken seriously. Having kids in the car can be quite distracting. Perhaps they are fighting in the back seat, or maybe one is asking you for a snack while the other has to make an urgent bathroom stop. Paying attention to the road and to the kids is a trying experience. Read these tips to find out how to keep your pint-sized passengers safe and sound, for any trip at any age.
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head concussionIn early February, the U.S. celebrates the truly American sport of football. Recently we've heard some pretty tragic stories about the effects of head injuries on professional football players but did you know that regular people who play contact sports or participate in activities like skateboarding or snowboarding are also at risk? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about sports-related head injuries and how to reduce your risk:
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With the days getting colder, at least for those in the northern part of the country, you might be starting to regret not taking a closer look at the insulation in your home during the summer months. But it's not too late to make your home more efficient, and cozy, for winter!
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Kathleen Hansen -

A 5-Step Checklist for Financial Health in 2017

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Kathleen Hansen -

Tips for Parents To Help Prevent Teen Car Crashes
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Kids playing in poolJune is National Safety Month and a great time to review your personal safety profile to find out how you can minimize the risk of accident or injury. Due to multiple factors, summer is a time of year when the risk of many common hazards increases.
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Kathleen Hansen -

Some states mandate comprehensive liability, which covers bodily injury and property damage.

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Zika VirusHeadlines announcing the spread of Zika virus have probably been showing up on your news feed for months. But what is Zika? And should you be worried about it?
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Kathleen Hansen -

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, designed to encourage all drivers and motorcyclists to share the road with each other. Increased awareness of motorcycle safety has helped improve the number of injuries and fatalities of motorcyclists.

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Spring break is on the way and summer will follow soon after. If you're planning to take a road trip, long or short, make sure you and your vehicle are safe and ready to go by following these recommendations:
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Kathleen Hansen -

Evac PlanningWhen a natural disaster or major emergency strikes, it's a good possibility that many of those affected will be on the job. That's why it's important for business owners to have a well thought out emergency plan, and to take precautions that will keep employees safe should a crisis occur.
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Kids Cyber SafetyEveryone in New York agrees that cyber safety is important, but what, exactly, does it mean to be "safe" online? And what do parents really need to know? Here are the top five things you can do to teach your kids how to become responsible digital citizens:
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Kathleen Hansen -

Your vehicle may have come with a jack, but I recommend purchasing a higher quality set." recommend a quality jack and jack stands instead of the jacks that may be found in your vehicle. These higher-quality jacks and jack stands tend to be more sturdy and safer to use.
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Kathleen Hansen -

Follow our tips to keep cats, dogs and horses safe and comfortable this winter.

In many areas, winter is a season of bitter cold and numbing wetness. Make sure your four-footed family members stay safe and warm by following these simple guidelines!

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Kathleen Hansen -

Falling snow can be picturesque, but it can also wreak havoc on the roads. While no one enjoys driving in snowy or slippery conditions, there are steps you can take to help improve your safety with these winter driving tips.

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kids playing with toysWe all want to be the one to find a gift that makes the holidays unforgettable for that special child in our lives. Whether you're a parent, aunt, neighbor or godparent, don't let your quest for holiday magic steer you towards a purchase that might be unsafe or inappropriate.
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A Christmas tree is a non-negotiable tradition for many families during the holidays. But even those who look forward to those twinkling lights and strings of popcorn may have a small child or mischievous cat that makes having a tree difficult and sometimes even dangerous.

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Kathleen Hansen -

National Fire Prevention Week is October 4th through the 10th this year. Prevent household fires and protect your family by using some of these helpful tips!

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Kathleen Hansen -

Are your independent contractors reallyindependent?
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Personal and commercial auto insurance is VERY important for everyday life. You never know when an accident can happen. Many people ask, "Do I have enough coverage?" or maybe they think, "I have too much auto coverage." Most consumers don't grasp what auto liability coverage is all about, so let us break it down for you. Auto liability covers you for two major items...

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child with lifejacketWhen it's hot, the cold water calls. If you're lucky enough to have access to a lake, river, or community pool, it's vital to know basic water safety in order to prevent serious consequences. Approximately 10 people die each day from unintentional drowning, and according to the Center for Disease Control, drowning is the leading cause of injury death for young children, ages 1-4.
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Kids in tentSleeping under the stars, hiking, swimming, and toasting marshmallows are activities many folks look forward to every summer. But getting back to nature offers its own set of risks. By understanding the following common camping mishaps, you can make it much more likely that your summer outdoor excursions will only include the fun and exhilarating kind of adventures, instead of the emergency-room kind.
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Man Firing a gunIn the United States, gun ownership is still a hot button issue. A 2014 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine reported that having a firearm in the home puts those in the household at higher risk of committing suicide or being the victim of a homicide. And approximately one third of American households keep at least one firearm in the home.
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AccidentSummer in New York is coming and with it is the opportunity to experience all kinds of warm-weather mishaps. Here are some common summer dangers and how to avoid them.
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Tracianne Leggio -

Now that spring is here, there are many things we can do for our home and car to recover from the harsh winter.
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Executive Insurance & Financial Services -
Executive Insurance and Financial Services -

Put a hold on your mail and your newspaper deliveries, or have someone take in the mail so your home doesn’t look empty.

2.Don’t Broadcast Your Trip
Don’t tell too many people you will be away, you don’t want the wrong person to know that you left your home empty.
Don’t post your upcoming trip on Facebook, Twitter, or any other Social Networking site.
Don’t “check in” to restaurants, stores or tourist sites online while on vacation.
Don’t post daily updates or blog about your trip while you’re away.
Resist the urge to post pictures from your trip online until you get back home.
No matter how tight your privacy settings are, broadcasting your trip over a blog or social networking site allows strangers (or worse, untrustworthy friends) to know that your home is empty.
3.Have a friend watch your home.
Ask someone you trust to drive by your house daily.Give that person or a key to get in incase of an emergency like a water leak or an alarm sounding. If you have more than one person visiting your house (such as a dog walker or someone watering your plants) make sure they know about each other.
4.Make Sure You can Be Reached
The same someone watching your house should have a way to reach you by phone.If you will be out of the country or on a cruise, plan ahead and test the number, to make sure that you can give your contact person a working phone number to reach you.Give this person other important contact numbers, including your insurance agent’s phone number.(For E.I.F.S. its (888)343-7463)
5.Make Your House Look Lived In
Use timers to have lights go on and off so they think someone is home. Set at least two lights to go on and off at different times in different parts of the house.Leave curtains as you usually keep them; noticeable changes will hint that you’re not around.
Ask the person watching your house to do small things to make your home look lived in.Have them move a car, park in your driveway, or take out the trash and put the garbage can away again the next day.
6.Hide Valuables
Move expensive items such as jewelry, cash, and silver so that it is out of site. Make sure you can’t view anything valuable from the windows of your home.Put laptop and other electronics safely away and out of site. Do not leave purses or bags sitting out where they can be seen, even if they are empty.
7.Change Your Answering Machine
Callers don’t need to know you’re not home. Change your message so it says “we can’t come to the phone right now.”
8.Protect Your Home from Danger (such as Water or Fire)
Unplug all small appliances (such as the toaster oven, coffee pot, TV, and computer).
Don’t leave the house until you check that there is no water left running. If you’re going to be gone for a while turn off the water to your washing machine, icemaker and dishwasher.
9.Lock all doors and windows.
It sounds simple enough but check all doors and windows.Did you forget the garage and basement entrances?Make sure cat/dog doors are locked up tight. Remove your spare key from its hiding place.
10.Don’t Leave Burglars a Map to Your Empty Home
Don’t leave your portable GPS unit in the airport parking lot with your “home” location programmed into the system.Add a working garage door opener and you have not only left them with a convenient map to your home, but also a way to enter it. Also make sure nothing else in the car identifies the address of your empty home.
The best way to protect your home is with a good Homeowner's Insurance Policy.
Call E.I.F.S. today and let us help you relax by making sure your home is protected.
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Now that your home is secure, have a great vacation and relax!

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Executive Insurance & Financial Services -

Flood Insurance - Even if You Don't Think Flood is a Risk
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The Need for Flood Insurance
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Did you know that deaths resulting from Heart Attacks & Cardiac Arrest rise 22% or more in the weeks during and after a heavy snowfall?
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1)Make sure your gutters are cleaned. Neglected gutters may become blocked or overflow and can lead to many expensive and dangerous problems including wood-rot, pest infestation & ice dams (when water refreezes at the roof’s edge.)
2)Install a carbon monoxide alarm near the furnace and any fireplaces that get used and at least one near sleeping areas.
3)If you have a fireplace, make sure you have the chimney checked out once a year.Your chimney should be cleaned and checked for damage by a professional chimney cleaner before starting a fire for the first time.
4)Prepare yourself for winter storms. Make sure you have all the supplies you may need in case of ice, snow or a wind storm. This includes snow shovels, bottled water, flashlights, batteries, manual can openers, canned food and blankets.
5)Consider having your heating system checked by a professional. If your heating system is older then 15 years, consider replacing it with a modern, efficient unit. Replace or clean your furnace air filters.
6)Space Heaters should have plenty of space around them. They should be placed at least 3 feet from anything that can burn. This includes furniture, dry clothing, blankets and curtains.Always turn off space heaters before leaving the room or going to sleep.Fireplace
7)If there is snow make sure to make a clear ice free path from the road to your door.
8)Burn only seasoned hardwood like oak, ash or maple. Do not burn trash, cardboard boxes or Christmas trees because these items burn unevenly, and may contain poisons or cause a home fire.
9)Do not attempt to climb on your roof to remove snow. Use a snow rake while standing at ground level or call a professional.
10)Never use an oven or a range to heat your home.
Make sure your Homeowner’s Policy is up to date. For information on Homeowner’s Insurance contact one of our agents at E.I.F.S.(631)563-8433

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No matter where we live we all need to be aware of the extra precautions necessary to safe winter driving. Those of us living in climates where winter is non-existent or an infrequent visitor may need to take special heed. We don't get much practice driving on ice or in snow but business trips or vacations may require us to drive in foreign conditions. It's better to prepare ahead rather than rely on a crash course (sorry for the pun).
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As winter starts to set in most of us will be spending more time indoors. Now is a good time to review this checklist for safety, comfort, and savings.
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While the vast majority of products and toys produced for infants and children are safe, that is not always the case. In March of 2005, for instance, Graco agreed to a record 4 million dollar fine for failing to report deaths and injuries related to recalled goods or products about to be recalled. Each year, about one-third of the 350 or so products recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission are intended for infants and small children. Small children are particularly susceptible to inherently unsafe products so it is a good idea to review recall information periodically.
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